10 Reasons Why I Keep a Private Journal

  1. I realize that the random thought that just popped into my mind about you may not be the most appropriate thing to say at that given moment.  So I write it later.

  2. It’s therapeutic…like a mental massage.

  3. I’m much nicer in person than I am on paper.

  4. Sometimes, I have to write to know what I’m thinking.

  5. It’s so much cheaper than therapy.

  6. If I tried to express it to you, it wouldn’t make sense anyway.

  7. I learn something new about myself everyday.

  8. Pages never talk to other people.

  9. Writing helps me keep my sanity.

  10. Because what you just said/did was so stupid, if I posted it on Facebook, someone is bound to know I was talking about you.

That is all!!!

As always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill. See you soon.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

Editor: Jaime Evans


9 Replies to “10 Reasons Why I Keep a Private Journal”

    1. Hi HW…

      That’s the beauty of writing/journaling…whenever you do actually write, it’s always meaningful. I sometimes miss days myself, but life and people always tend to drive me back to the pages of my journal before long.
      Hey…thanks for taking the time to follow the Quill. TTYL

      Liked by 1 person

  1. #10 says it all. Lol. But this made me laugh and think why I had my private journal as well. Guess it’s time to go back and write there again. Thanks for sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

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