Living Life In 3D

Earlier this week I posted an episode on my YouTube channel, Brian Evans Unleashed, highlighting the importance of getting busy fulfilling your purpose.  There are three dimensions that we have access to as created beings, and each dimension has the power to influence and shape our destiny.   I’m referring to the dimensions of our past, present, and future.  Learning how to harness the power of each dimension requires the proper perspective.  We must be prepared by our past, planted in our present, and focused on our future if we desire to walk in our greatness.

Prepared By Our Past

As much as we would like to, there is absolutely nothing we can do to change our past.  Unfortunately, many people are paralyzed in their present because they keep reliving the traumatic events of their past.  While the past is permanently fixed, it still serves a purpose as we march forward into the future.  We learn valuable lessons from looking in the rear-view mirror of our past.  We can contemplate our successes and failures and learn from each experience.  In fact, this ability is what makes us beautifully human.   By placing our experiences in proper perspective, and successfully compartmentalizing our failures, we become stronger, wiser, and better prepared to tackle the challenges that will arise when we TRY AGAIN!!!!  This leads me to the next dimension…

Planted In Our Present

The present is perhaps the most powerful dimension in which we live.  It gives us the opportunity to recover, rebuild, and renew or focus.  It behooves us in this dimension to be intentional and…well…present.  Being planted in our present is essentially making a commitment to fully engage with every opportunity that presents itself to us.  What makes the present unique is the potential that unfolds before us with each passing second.  New thoughts and ideas emerge in the present.  Intimacy is forged and strengthened in the present.  Futures are designed in the present.  In the present is where life itself blooms in all its splendor.  However, the tragic truth is in the present things are also lost if we are not intentional.  We sometimes focus so much on the other two dimensions that we fail to fully plant ourselves in the beauty and splendor of our “now.”  Cherish your present, because as quickly as it comes, it flies away.

Focused On Our Future

There is nothing more exciting to me than traveling to the future in my imagination and sliding back into the present with new dreams, visions, and goals.  The joy that it births keeps me light on my feet, especially through the tough times.  God has plans to give us a bright future, full of hope and expectation.   A significant part of discovering purpose in our lives is believing there is greatness waiting for us up ahead, and working hard to make it happen.  The present isn’t always a pleasant place.  Focusing on the future while learning from our past provides an anchor when the waters of the present moment get choppy.   Never give up.  Your future is worth the wait, so start living your life in 3D today.

To purchase a copy of my new book, The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm: Encountering God, please feel free to visit my website.

Follow my YouTube channel for more inspirational content: Brian Evans Unleashed


I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

Motivational Moment

“…The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”  ~James 5:16, NIV

“Now someone may argue, ‘“Some people have faith; others have good deeds.”’ But I say, ‘“How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”‘  ~James 2:18, NLT

The purpose of prayer and faith is more than just talking to God.  Prayer becomes effective and powerful when God answers with a plan of action.

To purchase my new book, The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm: Encountering God, click any of the links below:

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I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

Motivational Moment

Life has no NEUTRAL. There is a reason why there is only ONE driver’s seat.  Our lives are the product of the direction we have chosen to steer or allowed someone else to steer.  You’re either pushing or being pushed. Decide today…Greater awaits!!!

To purchase my book, The SPEAR Paradigm, click any of the links below:

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I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

Motivational Moment


Heaven and hell are states of mind.  Each morning, you get to decide which one you will experience.

To purchase my new book, The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm: Encountering God, click any of the links below:



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I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

3 Things God Likes

The following post is an excerpt from my new book: The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm: Encountering God


According to Wishpond, there are over 4.5 billion likes generated on Facebook each day.  That’s billion with a “B” folks.  The advent of social media has drastically changed the tapestry of how we interact with each other; specifically how we gather and share information about our preferences and interests.  Needless to say, the dating game has been influenced significantly over the years as a result of this cultural shift.  As a divorcee, I curl up in the fetal position and cry myself to sleep whenever I think about entering the dating “pond” again.

I remember a time, long ago in antiquity, when one of the requirements for meeting people was to go out and actually—well…be around people.  Today, “likes” are the new currency of social acceptance.  Oh, the things we do for “likes.”  This paradigm shift made me think…hmmm, what if God had a “like” button to signal to us his approval (or disapproval) of all our daily actions and words?  I wonder how many “likes” we would have from him throughout the course of a single day.

Well, it just so happens that the Bible gives us clues as to what God actually likes.  Here are a few of my favs:

God Likes to be Close to Us 

James 4:8, (NLT) says, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.”  No explanation needed here.  He likes to be intimately involved in our lives.  God is a very personal God.  He just loves us like that.


God Likes to Give to Us

God loves sending gifts our way.  Without a doubt the greatest gift ever given was the gift of his son, Jesus Christ.  John 3:16 lets us know that God so loved the world that he was compelled to give.  That’s what true love does.

God Likes to be Discovered by Us

God likes to play hide and seek with us.  He loves when we chase him, because he loves to be found.  He loves it so much, he left us breadcrumbs in his word showing us how to find him.  Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV) states, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and PRAY to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart'” (emphasis added).

Now is the time to give God what he really likes…YOU!

To purchase my new book, The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm: Encountering God, click any of the links below:



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I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

We Are Royalty

As an African-American male, learning how to be vulnerable is like learning a foreign language.  Growing up in the Deep South taught me how dangerous it could be to show weakness.  Sandwiched between the regular occurrences of both racism and gang violence, I learned that my survival depended on my ability to quickly access and raise my emotional shields.  In fact, one of the most infamous statistics that loomed over my generation was the high percentage of African-American males that were killed before the age of 21.  I vividly recall arriving to class one morning in high school only to learn that one of my close friends had been murdered the previous day because he was wearing the “wrong” colors in the wrong neighborhood.  He was one of many victims of gang violence.

For me, showing any signs of weakness could mean becoming easy prey, and would possibly be the difference between life and death.  In essence, I had to appear to be someone I wasn’t in order to survive.  I developed the habit of projecting a tough, callous exterior, while suppressing fear, anxiety, and dread.  The interesting part of it all was the notion that learning could take place in this type of environment.  I was expected to solve for “X” while simultaneously trying to figure out how I was going to avoid getting shot…but I digress.

Needless to say, that mentality got me through high school, but did not serve me very well in adulthood.  Today, as I am drawn deeper into the fulfillment God’s design for my life, I am discovering the power and necessity of authentic transparency.  There are territories that God has called us to reign over in our own lives.  However, before we can take the throne, we must deal with the enemies that stand between us and our destiny.  Our most formidable foe is the person we have always been.  The one who loves the way things currently are, and does not want to change.  We have allowed the enemy of “Ease” to take the throne that is rightfully ours.

Enter my own personal epiphany.  In an effort to simply survive another day, I found myself burying and suppressing experiences and traumas that were much to painful to deal with.  I buried the pain of two divorces, a layoff, “church hurt,” and grief from the death of loved ones just to name a few.  I now realize that I have sacrificed my emotional health on the altar of hypocrisy, attempting to appear stronger that I really was.  I donned a glass mask that eventually shattered under the weight of real pain.  I was an actor on the stage of my own life.  Little did I know I was doing a great disservice to the people who loved and needed me the most.

Since starting this journey of self-discovery and self-awareness, I have learned that healing is contained in sharing my story.  Though vulnerability is daunting, the victory is worth the struggle.  Seeing people liberated as I take the throne of my own story has initiated a deeper level of healing for me.  I have realized that my story is not just for me, but for every king and queen that may be searching for their throne.  As I take ownership of all the parts of my story, I now understand that we humans are one, and our mission is simple…to reign as kings and queens of our own stories and to proudly showcase the scars that validate our journeys to the throne.  We are royalty!!!

Please like or comment below if you were inspired by this post.  For more inspirational content, feel free to visit my YouTube channel, Brian Evans Unleashed

Also, to purchase copies of my new book, The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm: Encountering God, click any of the links below:



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I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

What Lies Within

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen.”

Some have attributed the above quote to Ralph Waldo Emerson and some to Henry David Thoreau.  However, there are many who believe the quote was originally crafted by a Wall Street Trader named, Henry Stanley Haskins.

Regardless, it remains one of my favorite quotes because of the fire it ignites inside of me.  It reminds me that my Father and Creator has placed within me every single thing I need to birth greatness into this world, and this is exactly what I intend to do.  Nothing that has happened or will happen in my life can destroy the greatness inside of me.  It’s time to release what is within!!!

Stay encouraged!!!  Keep pushing!!!  Miracles await!

For more inspirational content, feel free to visit my YouTube channel, Brian Evans Unleashed

Also, to purchase copies of my new book, The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm: Encountering God, click any of the links below:



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I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

The Purpose of the Bible

I often hear the phrases “Word of God” and “The Bible” used interchangeably.  I have even been guilty of this myself.  However, after careful consideration, I am rethinking my philosophy regarding the “Word of God” in regards to reading the Bible.  You may be asking yourself…”where is he going with this?” so let me explain.

The Bible was never meant to be a substitute for the actual “word” or “voice” of God.  It was only intended to used as an instruction manual to lead us into authentic, one-on-one intimacy with the Father.  One of the by-products of this intimacy is being able to recognize is voice.

2 Timothy 3:16 (AMP) states:

All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately–behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage]

Profitable for instruction…”

I recently purchased a desk for my home office.  When it arrived, I opened the box to find a bunch of parts that seemed to have no order to them whatsoever.  It was my responsibility to find out how the pieces should fit together.  Knowing this, the first thing I searched for was the instruction manual.  The picture on the outside of the box “told” me what the finished product should look like, but I had to put in the work by following the instructions to make it happen.

In much the same way, the purpose of the Bible is to instruct us as we put in the work to properly arrange the seemingly random pieces of our lives.  The Bible teaches us what God had in mind when he created us, and gives us instructions to build a life that pleases him.  Reading the Bible is only part of the process.  We must allow the Scriptures to lead us into the presence of God in prayer so that we can become acquainted with his “voice” or his “word.”  In God’s presence is where the power of his “word” is discovered, and the purpose of the Bible is to give us that point of reference as we build our destiny.

Please like or comment below if you were inspired by this post.  For more inspirational content, feel free to visit my YouTube channel, Brian Evans Unleashed

Also, to purchase copies of my new book, The S.P.E.A.R. Paradigm: Encountering God, click any of the links below:



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I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living

Learning to Hear the Voice of God: Intimacy

Intimacy with God in prayer is the foundation of hearing and knowing his voice.  Knowing God’s voice doesn’t just happen.  It requires a commitment to communion.  Much like our relationships with the people that we love, we must foster a relationship with God through constant communication (prayer).  Prayer is the birth place of intimacy with the Father, and it is here that we meet to commune with him and learn his voice.

When we spend time with the people that we love, whether our spouses, children, or parents, knowing the sound of their voices is a natural outgrowth of intimate interaction.  The more time we spend with them, we begin to pick up on the finer nuances of their voices.  We know when they are happy, or upset.  We learn the difference between sarcasm and true emotional distress just by spending intimate time with them.

To learn more about hearing the voice of God and the three components of intimacy (S.E.E.–Secrecy, Emotion, Enlightenment), visit my YouTube channel Brian Evans Unleashed.


I am Brian Evans, and as always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living


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