Passion: The Currency of Happiness

Sitting here ruminating on my Blogging 101 journey thus far, I’m elated as my blog takes on a fresh and exciting new tone.  I couldn’t be happier.  I decided to go exploring, per our 101 assignment, to find a blog that really spoke to me in such a way as to inspire a blog post.  Seeing that there is no shortage of awesome talent on WordPress, I knew this task would not pose a challenge.

I came across a poem called The Everyday Under His Collar,” on Nicole Riget’s Blog.  The poem was about the everyday struggles that salesmen encounter when faced with quotas and rejection; while simultaneously attempting to maintain hopes that somehow seem to elusively retreat into the cave of tomorrows.  Having spent six years in sales, I immediately identified with the misery of fleeting hopes.  Although sales was a lucrative career for me, in many cases, the anticipation and preparation for the sales call exceeded customer buy-in.  I found myself always chasing the big one (the big account, the big bonus, the customer commitment, etc.)  It was exhausting.  One section of Nicole’s poem caused me to poignantly ponder the emptiness I experienced, when all of my preparation for a big sales call ended with the heartbreak that accompanied the “NO.”

“The failed,

the miserable,

the promises;

always of tomorrow.

The tomorrows’ building

into becoming nothing,


no thing at all.”

                                                           ~Nicole Rigets

As I read these lines, I thought about the feelings of dread that would grip me some days, just thinking about work.  Even though I was experiencing a measure of success, I was dead inside.  When I compare that career, to the one I’m working now, it’s like night and day.  What’s even funnier is, my current career doesn’t even pay as much as the previous one did; but for some reason, I feel much wealthier and fulfilled now.

Life has a tendency to abuse us in many ways by taking from us more than it gives.  We live in a state of deprivation; sleep deprivation, food deprivation, and social deprivation.  In essence, it’s all in the name of struggling to survive and thrive.  We’re chasing after tomorrows that never come.  We’ve all either been there, we’re there now, or we will be there soon. It’s time for a serious self-evaluation.

What is our life’s ROI?  What are we demanding in return for the time, energy, and money that we’re spending trying to thrive?  There is one thing, and one thing only, that life requires from us before it will give anything back; and that one thing is passion.  I’m not a multi-millionaire (yet), but I possess something now that I didn’t have back then…PASSION!

After reading Nicole’s post, I realized that there is another form of currency that exists beyond money.  It’s far more precious than gold; in fact, if used properly, it attracts money.  We may not be able to put passion in our wallets, but it does hide perfectly in our hearts.  Passion buys more than material possessions, it also buys spiritual treasures.  Passion fills every tick-tock of the clock with meaning, and not just minutes.  Passion is the only thing known to man, that allows us to walk boldly into the storehouse of life, and buy happiness.

Thank you, Nicole for indulging me.  You’re a great inspiration.

As always, thank you for visiting Wisdom’s Quill. See you soon.

Keep Learning ♦ Keep Loving ♦ Keep Living



18 Replies to “Passion: The Currency of Happiness”

  1. Brian, that was, as usual, well written and so very true! Learning that identifying your true Passion and work that ignites that passion is key to career satisfaction, it does not feel like you’re working so much. Developing spiritually is connected to having Passion For KNOWing Christ……scripture that comes to mind has the phrase, “even as your SOUL Prospers.”
    Continue on sharing yourself with the world, you are a true blessing, sir! Peace and Blessings in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, this hit’s home for me! My blog is all about my passion and how happy it makes me and how I’ve decided to leave my previous career in hopes of pursuing this passion enough that it hopefully makes me a living one day! But right now, one thing for sure, although it hasn’t made me a dime, following my dream has truly made me HAPPY! 🙂


    1. Indeed. I think it’s a rite of passage of sorts to struggle on the front end of pursuing your dreams. It’s like a refining fire to the dream, and those who endure it gains the gold. Thank for reading @countryheartbeat!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I really enjoyed reading this post and you are so right, passion is one of the most important things we can have in life. That’s why I started blogging, because writing is my passion and I needed a place to express that passion.


    1. Hi Hanna…we share the same logic for writing. Only real writers understand the pain that is experienced from not writing. That’s why I love blogging…because it helps us find each other and gives us access to like minds. Keep writing! Thanks for following the Quill. Blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Brian, I really, really enjoyed this one, being that I have been contemplating that very thing that you mentioned in your blog. Changing careers, in hopes of pursuing my passion. Continuously comparing the pro’s and con’s of the change and the one factor that keeps me where I am is, more financial security..But is that more important than my happiness?? It really made me think…Im inspired.. Thank you so much for sharing this..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sapphina,
      It’s so good hearing from you again. Hope you’re doing well. If anyone says change isn’t scary, they’re lying…LOL. I’m also in a period of transition that has me both nervous and excited at the same time. Many times the financial ramifications of our decisions may make us thing twice about pursuing our passion, because passion rarely produces immediate wealth. It can be tough, but I will always believe in pursuing my passion…it’s worth it. Thank you for stopping by and sharing.


  5. Once upon a time, I worked in sales, so I get the ‘misery of fleeting hopes.’
    I like to think that in a sense we’re always in sales, marketing ourselves . . . , but the pressure may be different. Malcolm Gladwell writes that hard work is a prison sentence only if it does not have meaning. I suppose passion is the ‘meaning’.

    I have found that the currency of my happiness is gratitude. When passion wanes, as it sometimes does, gratitude is the fire that reawakens it.

    I enjoyed reading this post because you shared yourself with us. I hope you enjoy your Blogging 101 Journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So true! In my opinion having a passion make people so much more interesting even more human, no matter what they are passionate about (as long as it is something positive and not a radical ideology disguised as a passion). I love the sparkle in their eyes when they talk about their passion and how you can really feel how important this passion is to them.

    Liked by 1 person

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